'use strict';
const crypto = require('crypto');
const {existsSync, rmdirSync, rmSync = rmdirSync} = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const assert = require('assert');
const _ = require('lodash/string');
const util = require('util');
const {EventEmitter} = require('events');
const tempDirectory = require('temp-dir');

const RunResult = require('./run-result');

 * This class provide a run context object to façade the complexity involved in setting
 * up a generator for testing
 * @constructor
 * @param {String|Function} Generator - Namespace or generator constructor. If the later
 *                                       is provided, then namespace is assumed to be
 *                                       'gen:test' in all cases
 * @param {Object} [settings]
 * @param {Boolean} [settings.tmpdir] - Automatically run this generator in a tmp dir
 * @param {String} [settings.resolved] - File path to the generator (only used if Generator is a constructor)
 * @param {String} [settings.namespace='gen:test'] - Namespace (only used if Generator is a constructor)
 * @param {String} [settings.runEnvironment=false] - Require the run context to call run.
 * @param {Object} [envOptions] - Options to be passed to environment.
 * @return {this}

function RunContext(
  envOptions = {},
  helpers = require('.')
) {
  this._asyncHolds = 0;
  this.ran = false;
  this.inDirSet = false;
  this.args = [];
  this.options = {};
  this.answers = {};
  this.localConfig = null;
  this.dependencies = [];
  this.Generator = Generator;
  this.inDirCallbacks = [];
  this.lookups = [];
  this.mockedGenerators = {};
  this.settings = {
    namespace: 'gen:test',
    runEnvironment: false,
  this.envOptions = envOptions;

    force: true,
    skipCache: true,
    skipInstall: true
  this.oldCwd = this.settings.oldCwd;
  if (this.settings.cwd) {

  if (!this.settings.runEnvironment) {
    setTimeout(this._run.bind(this), 10);

  this.helpers = helpers;

util.inherits(RunContext, EventEmitter);

 * Hold the execution until the returned callback is triggered
 * @return {Function} Callback to notify the normal execution can resume

RunContext.prototype.async = function () {

  return function () {

 * Build the generator and the environment.
 * @return {RunContext|false} this
RunContext.prototype.build = function (callback = () => {}) {
  if (!this.inDirSet && this.settings.tmpdir !== false) {

  if (this._asyncHolds !== 0 || this.ran || this.completed) {
    if (this.buildAsync) {
      return false;

    throw new Error('The context is not ready');

  this.ran = true;
  if (this.inDirCallbacks.length > 0) {
    const targetDirectory = path.resolve(this.targetDirectory);
    this.inDirCallbacks.forEach((cb) => cb(targetDirectory));

  this.targetDirectory = this.targetDirectory || process.cwd();

  const testEnv = this.helpers.createTestEnv(this.envOptions.createEnv, {
    cwd: this.settings.forwardCwd ? this.targetDirectory : undefined,
  this.env = this.envCB ? this.envCB(testEnv) || testEnv : testEnv;

  this.lookups.forEach((lookup) => {

  this.helpers.registerDependencies(this.env, this.dependencies);

  let namespace;
  if (typeof this.Generator === 'string') {
    if (this.settings.runEnvironment) {
      namespace = this.Generator;
    } else {
      namespace = this.env.namespace(this.Generator);
      if (namespace !== this.Generator) {
        // Generator is a file path, it should be registered.
  } else {
    namespace = this.settings.namespace;
    this.env.registerStub(this.Generator, namespace, this.settings.resolved);

  this._generatorPromise = Promise.resolve(
    this.env.create(namespace, {
      arguments: this.args,
      options: this.options

  this._generatorPromise.then((generator) => {
    this.generator = generator;

  this.helpers.mockPrompt(this.env, this.answers, this.promptOptions);

  if (this.localConfig) {
    // Only mock local config when withLocalConfig was called
    this._generatorPromise = this._generatorPromise.then((generator) => {
      this.helpers.mockLocalConfig(generator, this.localConfig);
      return generator;

  return this;

 * Method called when the context is ready to run the generator
 * @private

RunContext.prototype._run = function () {
  this.buildAsync = true;
  if (this.build() === false) return false;

  this._generatorPromise.then((generator) => this.emit('ready', generator));

    .catch((error) => {
      if (
        this.listenerCount('end') === 0 &&
        this.listenerCount('error') === 0
      ) {
        // When there is no listeners throw a unhandled rejection.
        setImmediate(function () {
          return Promise.reject(error);
      } else {
        this.errored = true;
        this.emit('error', error);
    .finally(() => {
      this.completed = true;

  return true;

 * Run the generator on the environment and promises a RunResult instance.
 * @return {Promise<RunResult>} Promise a RunResult instance.
RunContext.prototype.run = function () {
  if (!this.settings.runEnvironment && this.buildAsync === undefined) {
    throw new Error('Should be called with runEnvironment option');

  if (!this.ran) {

  return this._generatorPromise.then((generator) =>
      .then(() => new RunResult(this._createRunResultOptions()))
      .finally(() => {

RunContext.prototype._createRunResultOptions = function () {
  return {
    env: this.env,
    generator: this.generator,
    memFs: this.env.sharedFs,
    settings: {
    oldCwd: this.oldCwd,
    cwd: this.targetDirectory,
    envOptions: this.envOptions,
    mockedGenerators: this.mockedGenerators

 * Return a promise representing the generator run process
 * @return {Promise} Promise resolved on end or rejected on error
RunContext.prototype.toPromise = function () {
  if (this.settings.runEnvironment) {
    throw new Error('RunContext with runEnvironment uses promises by default');

  return new Promise(
    function (resolve, reject) {
        function () {
          resolve(new RunResult(this._createRunResultOptions()));
      this.on('error', reject);

 * Promise `.then()` duck typing
 * @return {Promise}
RunContext.prototype.then = function () {
  const promise = this.toPromise();
  return promise.then(...arguments);

 * Promise `.catch()` duck typing
 * @return {Promise}
RunContext.prototype.catch = function () {
  const promise = this.toPromise();
  return promise.catch(...arguments);

 * Set the target directory.
 * @private
 * @param  {String} dirPath - Directory path (relative to CWD). Prefer passing an absolute
 *                            file path for predictable results
 * @return {this} run context instance

RunContext.prototype.setDir = function (dirPath, tmpdir) {
  if (this.inDirSet) {
    this.completed = true;
    throw new Error('Test directory has already been set.');

  if (tmpdir !== undefined) {
    this.settings.tmpdir = tmpdir;

  this.oldCwd = this.oldCwd || process.cwd();

  this.inDirSet = true;
  this.targetDirectory = dirPath;
  return this;

 * Clean the provided directory, then change directory into it
 * @param  {String} dirPath - Directory path (relative to CWD). Prefer passing an absolute
 *                            file path for predictable results
 * @param {Function} [cb] - callback who'll receive the folder path as argument
 * @return {this} run context instance

RunContext.prototype.inDir = function (dirPath, cb) {
  this.setDir(dirPath, true);
    (cb || (() => {})).bind(this, path.resolve(dirPath))
  return this;

 * Register an callback to prepare the destination folder.
 * @param {Function} [cb] - callback who'll receive the folder path as argument
 * @return {this} run context instance

RunContext.prototype.doInDir = function (cb) {
  return this;

 * Change directory without deleting directory content.
 * @param  {String} dirPath - Directory path (relative to CWD). Prefer passing an absolute
 *                            file path for predictable results
 * @return {this} run context instance
RunContext.prototype.cd = function (dirPath) {
  dirPath = path.resolve(dirPath);
  this.setDir(dirPath, false);
  try {
  } catch (error) {
    this.completed = true;
    throw new Error(error.message + ' ' + dirPath);

  return this;

 * Creates a temporary directory and change the CWD into it
 * This method is called automatically when creating a RunContext. Only use it if you need
 * to use the callback.
 * @param {Function} [cb] - callback who'll receive the folder path as argument
 * @return {this} run context instance
RunContext.prototype.inTmpDir = function (cb) {
  return this.inDir(
    path.join(tempDirectory, crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex')),

 * Restore cwd to initial cwd.
 * @return {this} run context instance

RunContext.prototype.restore = function () {
  if (this.oldCwd) {

  return this;

 * Clean the directory used for tests inside inDir/inTmpDir
 * @param  {Boolean} force - force directory cleanup for not tmpdir
RunContext.prototype.cleanup = function () {
  if (this.settings.tmpdir !== false) {

 * Create an environment
 * This method is called automatically when creating a RunContext. Only use it if you need
 * to use the callback.
 * @param {Function} [cb] - callback who'll receive the folder path as argument
 * @return {this} run context instance
RunContext.prototype.withEnvironment = function (cb) {
  this.envCB = cb;
  return this;

 * Run lookup on the environment.
 * @param {Object|Array} [lookups] - lookup to run.
 * @return {this} run context instance.
RunContext.prototype.withLookups = function (lookups) {
  lookups = Array.isArray(lookups) ? lookups : [lookups];
  this.lookups = this.lookups.concat(lookups);
  return this;

 * Clean the directory used for tests inside inDir/inTmpDir
 * @param  {Boolean} force - force directory cleanup for not tmpdir
RunContext.prototype.cleanTestDirectory = function (force = false) {
  if (!force && this.settings.tmpdir === false) {
    throw new Error('Cleanup test dir called with false tmpdir option.');

  if (this.targetDirectory && existsSync(this.targetDirectory)) {
    rmSync(this.targetDirectory, {recursive: true});

 * Provide arguments to the run context
 * @param  {String|Array} args - command line arguments as Array or space separated string
 * @return {this}

RunContext.prototype.withArguments = function (args) {
  const argsArray = typeof args === 'string' ? args.split(' ') : args;
    'args should be either a string separated by spaces or an array'
  this.args = this.args.concat(argsArray);
  return this;

 * Provide options to the run context
 * @param  {Object} options - command line options (e.g. `--opt-one=foo`)
 * @return {this}

RunContext.prototype.withOptions = function (options) {
  if (!options) {
    return this;

  // Add options as both kebab and camel case. This is to stay backward compatibles with
  // the switch we made to meow for options parsing.
  Object.keys(options).forEach(function (key) {
    options[_.camelCase(key)] = options[key];
    options[_.kebabCase(key)] = options[key];

  this.options = {...this.options, ...options};
  return this;

 * Mock the prompt with dummy answers
 * @param  {Object} answers - Answers to the prompt questions
 * @param  {Object|Function}   [options] - Options or callback.
 * @param  {Function} [options.callback] - Callback.
 * @param  {Boolean} [options.throwOnMissingAnswer] - Throw if a answer is missing.
 * @return {this}

RunContext.prototype.withPrompts = function (answers, options) {
  this.answers = {...this.answers, ...answers};
  this.promptOptions = options;
  return this;

 * Provide dependent generators
 * @param {Array} dependencies - paths to the generators dependencies
 * @return {this}
 * @example
 * var angular = new RunContext('../../app');
 * angular.withGenerators([
 *   '../../common',
 *   '../../controller',
 *   '../../main',
 *   [helpers.createDummyGenerator(), 'testacular:app']
 * ]);
 * angular.on('end', function () {
 *   // assert something
 * });

RunContext.prototype.withGenerators = function (dependencies) {
  assert(Array.isArray(dependencies), 'dependencies should be an array');
  this.dependencies = this.dependencies.concat(dependencies);
  return this;

 * Create mocked generators
 * @param {Array} namespaces - namespaces of mocked generators
 * @return {this}
 * @example
 * var angular = helpers
 *   .create('../../app')
 *   .withMockedGenerators([
 *     'foo:app',
 *     'foo:bar',
 *   ])
 *   .run()
 *   .then(runResult => assert(runResult
 *     .mockedGenerators['foo:app']

RunContext.prototype.withMockedGenerators = function (namespaces) {
  assert(Array.isArray(namespaces), 'namespaces should be an array');
  const entries = namespaces.map((namespace) => [
  this.mockedGenerators = {
  const dependencies = entries.map(([namespace, generator]) => [
  this.dependencies = this.dependencies.concat(dependencies);
  return this;

 * Mock the local configuration with the provided config
 * @param  {Object} localConfig - should look just like if called config.getAll()
 * @return {this}
RunContext.prototype.withLocalConfig = function (localConfig) {
  assert(typeof localConfig === 'object', 'config should be an object');
  this.localConfig = localConfig;
  return this;

module.exports = RunContext;