/* eslint-disable max-params */
 * Collection of unit test helpers. (mostly related to Mocha syntax)
 * @module test/helpers

'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const adapter = require('./adapter');

 * Create a function that will clean up the test directory,
 * cd into it, and create a dummy gruntfile inside. Intended for use
 * as a callback for the mocha `before` hook.
 * @param {String} dir - path to the test directory
 * @returns {Function} mocha callback

exports.setUpTestDirectory = function (dir) {
  return function (done) {
    exports.testDirectory(dir, function () {
      exports.gruntfile({dummy: true}, done);

 * Generates a new Gruntfile.js in the current working directory based on
 * options hash passed in.
 * @param {Object} options - Grunt configuration
 * @param {Function} done  - callback to call on completion
 * @example
 * before(helpers.gruntfile({
 *   foo: {
 *     bar: '<config.baz>'
 *   }
 * }));

exports.gruntfile = function (options, done) {
  let config = 'grunt.initConfig(' + JSON.stringify(options, null, 2) + ');';

  config = config
    .map(function (line) {
      return '  ' + line;

  const out = ['module.exports = function (grunt) {', config, '};'];

  fs.writeFile('Gruntfile.js', out.join('\n'), done);

 * Clean-up the test directory and cd into it.
 * Call given callback after entering the test directory.
 * @param {String} dir - path to the test directory
 * @param {Function} cb - callback executed after setting working directory to dir
 * @example
 * testDirectory(path.join(__dirname, './temp'), function () {
 *   fs.writeFileSync('testfile', 'Roses are red.');
 * });

exports.testDirectory = function (dir, cb) {
  if (!dir) {
    throw new Error('Missing directory');

  dir = path.resolve(dir);

  // Make sure we're not deleting CWD by moving to top level folder. As we `cd` in the
  // test dir after cleaning up, this shouldn't be perceivable.

  try {
    if (fs.existsSync(dir)) {
      fs.rmdirSync(dir, {recursive: true});

    fs.mkdirSync(dir, {recursive: true});
  } catch (error) {
    return cb(error);

 * Answer prompt questions for the passed-in generator
 * @param {Generator|Environment} generator - a Yeoman generator or environment
 * @param {Object} answers - an object where keys are the
 *   generators prompt names and values are the answers to
 *   the prompt questions
 * @param {Function|Object} options - Options or callback
 * @example
 * mockPrompt(angular, {'bootstrap': 'Y', 'compassBoostrap': 'Y'});

exports.mockPrompt = function (envOrGenerator, mockedAnswers, options) {
  envOrGenerator = envOrGenerator.env || envOrGenerator;
  const {promptModule} = envOrGenerator.adapter;
  const {DummyPrompt} = adapter;

  Object.keys(promptModule.prompts).forEach(function (name) {
      class CustomDummyPrompt extends DummyPrompt {
        constructor(question, rl, answers) {
          super(mockedAnswers, options, question, rl, answers);

 * Restore defaults prompts on a generator.
 * @param {Generator|Environment} generator or environment
exports.restorePrompt = function (envOrGenerator) {
  envOrGenerator = envOrGenerator.env || envOrGenerator;

 * Provide mocked values to the config
 * @param  {Generator} generator - a Yeoman generator
 * @param  {Object} localConfig - localConfig - should look just like if called config.getAll()
exports.mockLocalConfig = function (generator, localConfig) {

 * Create a mocked generator

exports.createMockedGenerator = () => {
  const generator = sinon.stub();
  generator.prototype.run = sinon.stub();
  generator.prototype.runWithOptions = sinon.stub();
  generator.prototype.queueOwnTasks = sinon.stub();
  return generator;

 * Create a simple, dummy generator

exports.createDummyGenerator = (Generator = require('yeoman-generator')) =>
  class extends Generator {
    test() {
      this.shouldRun = true;

 * Create a generator, using the given dependencies and controller arguments
 * Dependecies can be path (autodiscovery) or an array [{generator}, {name}]
 * @param {String} name - the name of the generator
 * @param {Array} dependencies - paths to the generators dependencies
 * @param {Array|String} args - arguments to the generator;
 *   if String, will be split on spaces to create an Array
 * @param {Object} options - configuration for the generator
 * @param {Boolean} [localConfigOnly=true] - passes localConfigOnly to the generators
 * @example
 *  var deps = ['../../app',
 *              '../../common',
 *              '../../controller',
 *              '../../main',
 *              [createDummyGenerator(), 'testacular:app']
 *            ];
 * var angular = createGenerator('angular:app', deps);

exports.createGenerator = function (
  localConfigOnly = true
) {
  const env = this.createEnv([], {sharedOptions: {localConfigOnly}});
  this.registerDependencies(env, dependencies);

  return env.create(name, {arguments: args, options});

 * Register a list of dependent generators into the provided env.
 * Dependecies can be path (autodiscovery) or an array [{generator}, {name}]
 * @param {Array} dependencies - paths to the generators dependencies

exports.registerDependencies = function (env, dependencies) {
  dependencies.forEach(function (dependency) {
    if (Array.isArray(dependency)) {
    } else {

 * Shortcut to the Environment's createEnv.
 * @param {...any} args - environment constructor arguments.
 * @returns {Object} environment instance
 * Use to test with specific Environment version:
 * let createEnv;
 * before(() => {
 *   createEnv = stub(helper, 'createEnv').callsFake(Environment.creatEnv);
 * });
 * after(() => {
 *   createEnv.restore();
 * });

exports.createEnv = (...args) => {
  return require('yeoman-environment').createEnv(...args);

 * Creates a test environment.
 * @param {Function} envContructor - environment constructor method.
 * @param {Object} [options] - Options to be passed to the environment
 * @returns {Object} environment instance
 * const env = createTestEnv(require('yeoman-environment').createEnv);

exports.createTestEnv = function (
  envContructor = this.createEnv,
  options = {localConfigOnly: true}
) {
  if (typeof options === 'boolean') {
    options = {
      sharedOptions: {localConfigOnly: options},
      newErrorHandler: true
  } else {
    options = {
      sharedOptions: {localConfigOnly: true},
      newErrorHandler: true,
    options.sharedOptions = {
      localConfigOnly: true,

  return envContructor([], options, new adapter.TestAdapter());

 * Run the provided Generator
 * @param  {String|Function} GeneratorOrNamespace - Generator constructor or namespace
 * @return {RunContext}

exports.run = function (GeneratorOrNamespace, settings, envOptions) {
  const RunContext = require('./run-context');
  return new RunContext(GeneratorOrNamespace, settings, envOptions);

 * Prepare a run context
 * @param  {String|Function} GeneratorOrNamespace - Generator constructor or namespace
 * @return {RunContext}

exports.create = function (GeneratorOrNamespace, settings, envOptions) {
  const RunContext = require('./run-context');
  const context = new RunContext(
    {...settings, runEnvironment: true},

  return context;