'use strict';
const spawn = require('execa');

 * @mixin
 * @alias actions/spawn-command
const spawnCommand = module.exports;

 * Normalize a command across OS and spawn it (asynchronously).
 * @param {String} command program to execute
 * @param {Array} args list of arguments to pass to the program
 * @param {object} [opt] any cross-spawn options
 * @return {String} spawned process reference
spawnCommand.spawnCommand = function (command, args, opt) {
  return spawn(command, args, {
    stdio: 'inherit',
    cwd: this.destinationRoot(),

 * Normalize a command across OS and spawn it (synchronously).
 * @param {String} command program to execute
 * @param {Array} args list of arguments to pass to the program
 * @param {object} [opt] any cross-spawn options
 * @return {String} spawn.sync result
spawnCommand.spawnCommandSync = function (command, args, opt) {
  return spawn.sync(command, args, {
    stdio: 'inherit',
    cwd: this.destinationRoot(),